Want to get rid of Pet Odor from Carpet?

We know you love your pet the most and we also know love towards home is equally eternal. But when it comes to keeping home clean or to disciple your pet you cannot choose one. Those are the two ends of a single coin and you can never compromise on either of sides. That’s where you need to find the way.

Urine strains are the most common problem associated with people owning pets. They leave the marks all over. But what exactly to do when your pet is in the house training period. You cannot yell at him and you cannot even change the place because training is the most crucial period.

Here are a few well-working techniques that has been tried, tested and verified to work in the situations where urine strains are a problem.

#Always Dry the Carpet

The way stagnant water is a problem, any surfaces soaked in water are a major cause of odor in the area. The more you let it soak naturally is the more problem it will create. As you happen to see your pet just spoiled the carpet; you must immediately try to dry it off with a clean towel to absorb all the extra moisture.

#Clean it with Baking Soda

Baking Soda is an alkali soluble salt which is known to remove dirt and strains easily. When mixed with water it interacts well with surfaces and helps to remove the stains. All you need to do is apply baking soda to the spot, let it deodorize for the next 24 hours. It is an effective and most inexpensive way to keep things white, strain-free and away from the smell.

#Bring Vinegar to Work

Vinegar is acidic in nature which makes it a great cleaner. Simply create a solution with vinegar and water in equal quantity, pour it on the affected area. Scrub it well with a soft-bristled brush to let it act well on the surface. Once done cleaning on to everything simply dry out the area completely. It can even clean the marks caused by hard water, slime out of the carpet and even pet waste well.

Read: Stinky House?? Learn How to Suppress the Canine’s Smell

#Mix Hydrogen Peroxide and Dish Detergent with Baking Soda

Make a bowl with water adding one part hydrogen peroxide adding a small amount of dish detergent. Rub it well over the affected area and put baking soda over it. Leave it for at least 2-3 minutes to let it react well and scrub it over the area to make it clean and strain-free.

Once you clean the wet-urine area from the carpet and you make it completely dry then you must always use the vacuum to keep everything perfectly clean and if any substances are left behind could be taken well care of; making everything back to fresh as new.

You can also opt for professionally cleaning if you feel that your carpet needs a better care and pamper. While when it comes to dog urine at carpets; everything mentioned above is used but if it’s the case with cat’s urine. You got no chance of getting the old and better smell because the cat’s urine’s smell is too foul to handle even you might have you change the whole carpet.

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