The Signs To Know Your Dog Is Ill

After owning a pet, you might have followed with a good and regular health care of your dog. According to the vet recommendation you may have also given him the vaccination and routine deworming, combined with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. After taking so much care no one wants to deal with a sick dog. But even the most cared pooch, sometimes display symptoms of sickness. You will be able to see signs which may be severe or mild depending on their cause. The question is how can you find out what is the cause of their illness? What is the treatment? To know how to diagnose and treat your canine, read the below part of the blog as follows:

Your pooch will not be able to describe the symptoms to you, but can only show you the signs of diseases. You should be aware of the signs of diseases, as this is the only way to help reduce your pet’s risk of being effected by them. Here are some of the signs through which you will know that your furry pal is ill:

  • Bad breath or drooling
  • Excessive drinking
  • Urination
  • Appetite change associated with weight loss or gain
  • Stiffness or difficulty in climbing stairs or in rising
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Excessive panting
  • Labored breathing
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Shaking of head
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry, red or cloudy eyes
  • Lack of interest in doing things
  • Other behavior or attitude changes

If you find any of the signs in your doggy, you should immediately take him to the vet. So, that the vet diagnose and know the what is the problem with your canine for that behavior. He may recommend you the preventive care testing as pat of your pooch’s examination.


  • They will perform chemistry and electrolyte test to examine the internal organ status and to make sure that your dog is not suffering from an electrolyte imbalance or is he dehydrated.
  • They will examine is your pooch have got any disease such as heartworms, tick borne or other infectious diseases.
  • A complete blood test to identify any blood related conditions.
  • Urine tests to rule out any the urinary tract infection and to evaluate other diseases related to kidney.
  • Thyroid test to determine the thyroid gland is producing too little thyroid hormone.

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