Diabetes in humans is a very common condition, and so it is in pets as well. And recent statistics have shown that one in approximately 300 adult dogs and one in approximately 200 cats are diabetic. These numbers don’t look that menacing, but when you look at the bigger picture, it surely does tell you a different tale. And due to these alarming numbers, Pet Diabetes Awareness Month is and has been observed more vigorously in the past few years.

Diabetes in Pets

Very similar to the human form of diabetes, pet diabetes is a very complex and highly common disease among pets like cats and dogs. There are mainly two types of diabetes in pets:

  1. Type I Diabetes – Where the body finds it extremely hard to produce *insulin.
  2. Type II Diabetes – Where the body fails to make proper use of the insulin.

*insulin: it is a hormone that the body requires to convert sugar and other foods into energy.

Pet Diabetes Awareness Month

Every year, the entire month of November is observed as Pet Diabetes Awareness Month. The main motive for observing such a month is to raise awareness among pet parents as well as the general public about diabetes in pets and also to figure out ways to curb such a disease.

We all know that diabetes is an incurable disease, which is why it is so important to raise awareness among everyone. Moreover, even if pets are diabetic, it does not mean that it’s the end of the road for them. Those diabetic pets can still lead a healthy and happy life if and only if you take the necessary steps and measures, especially with their diets.

Signs That Your Pet Could Be Diabetic

The below-mentioned points are a list of signs that shouldn’t be neglected or ignored at all costs.

  • Increase in thirst and urination
  • Reduction in weight despite an increase in appetite
  • Lameness, lethargic, or weak
  • Change in fur coat and skin condition (pale color)
  • Cloudy or dull eyes
  • Bloated stomach
  • Excessive loss of fur
  • Vomiting

If your pet experiences any of the above, be quick to consult a veterinarian. These are the signs that your pet could be diabetic, so act tactfully and quickly.

How to Manage Diabetes in Diabetic Pets?

As stated earlier, diabetes is incurable, but such a disease can be successfully managed. For that to happen, pet parents need to be extra vigilant.

Here’s how you can successfully manage diabetes in your diabetic pet:

  • Maintain a proper and balanced diet.
  • Cut down on fatty foods.
  • Refrain from overfeeding.
  • No in-between snackies to munch on.
  • Daily exercising like walks and playing fetch.
  • Regular health check-ups to the vet.
  • Get blood sugar levels checked every now and then.

Follow all of the above to give your diabetic pet a reason to smile and be happy about life. Your pet will surely appreciate the effort.

How You Can Spread Pet Diabetes Awareness?

Pet Diabetes Awareness Month is not only confined to raising awareness in and around your area or locality. With the help of the internet, you can raise awareness throughout the world as well. All you can do is log onto any of your socials like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and post a write-up or upload images of your diabetic pets. Do not forget to use #PetDiabetesAwarenessMonth or #PetDiabetesMonthin your posts because we’ll be keeping an eye.

So what are you waiting for? Go raise awareness in the world!