Tips For Adopting A Cat -National Adopt A Cat Month

June is National Adopt a Cat Month, also known as Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, and there is no better time than now to bring a feline family member into your family. Adopting a cat is a big decision, but it may have a big impact on your life in a lot of ways. June has long been recognized as National Adopt a Cat Month, but did you know there’s a reason it’s celebrated at this particular time of year? Every year, June is the month when the most kittens are born, and many of them will end up at local animal shelters awaiting adoption.
While any animal can make a wonderful pet, cats are a little easier to care for than dogs. After all, unlike dogs, cats do not need to be allowed outside for the bathroom or go for long walks. They require a clean litter box and a responsible human friend who will keep them stimulated throughout the day.
If you’ve been thinking about adding a new furry four-legged member to your family, now is a fantastic time! Here are some things to think about before going to the shelter to find your new best friend.
Cat personalities are not one-size-fits-all
There are many various kinds of cats, and even same-breed cats have varied personalities, so you’ll want to choose one that matches yours and your family’s lifestyle and nature. Some cats are more peaceful and laid-back, while others are very active at all hours of the day and night. Spending time with a cat at a local shelter is the greatest way to learn about their personalities.
Explore More: Top 6 Internet Famous Cats
Everyone in the home should be prepared
Before bringing the cat home, make sure everyone in the house is ready for the new pet. Taking the family to the shelter or animal control facility is a good idea. If you’re adopting a new cat and already have pets, talk to the adoption center about how to make an appropriate introduction.
Consider adopting two furry feline friends
Adopting a cat is a wonderful experience, but did you know you could adopt two? Because cats require a lot of stimulation, exercise, and interaction, having another cat is the easiest way to provide it.
Make a cat-related budget
You should plan ahead for a cat’s short and long-term expenses. Understand that having a pet is a responsibility that comes with a price tag. The cats adopted from a shelter are mostly provided with many prearranged facilities like spaying or neutering, basic immunizations, and a microchip for permanent identification
Before the cat arrives, stock up on supplies
Prepare so that your new cat feels right at home right away. A litter box, cat litter, food and water bowls, food, scratching posts, safe and exciting toys, a comfy bed, a grooming brush, a toothbrush, and nail clippers are all necessities for your cat. Along with this, prepare a list of parasite prevention products for flea and tick prevention, wormers, and heartworm disease protection.
Read More: Best Flea Treatment For Cats
Make your home cat-proof
A new cat will teach you quickly not to leave stuff lying around. Food left on the kitchen counter will teach your new feline friend to jump on counters in the hopes of a free lunch. Remove any loose items that your cat might chew on, keep an eye out for electric lines, and pick up random items like paper clips which can be harmful to cats or kittens if swallowed.
Don’t rush it
When introducing your cat to new people, take it cautiously. It can take a cat several weeks to adjust to the new surroundings. It’s a good idea to confine the newly adopted feline furry friend to a single room (with a litter box, food and water, toys, and the cat carrier left out and open with bedding inside) until he or she has adjusted to the new surroundings; this is especially necessary if you have other pets.
Bottom Line
If you are still unsure about adopting a cat then try giving your local shelter an opportunity to play matchmaker. Discuss your lifestyle with the shelter’s staff and volunteers. Let them know if you live with others, including pets, and who/what you interact with on a regular basis, and they can point you in the direction of cats who would fit in well with your lifestyle.
Whether it’s Adopt a Cat Month or any other month of the calendar, we hope you will consider adding a new furry four-legged member from the animal shelter to your family.