Safety Tips to Consider While Travelling With Your Pet
Travelling is one of the most enjoyable times of life. Sharing this joy with your furry pal can take you to the next level of ecstasy. Going on vacations or long drives with your pet can be a joy ride in true sense. However, the four-legged friends may not feel the same way and can be notorious. He may show unpredictable, anxious or mischievous behavior. To cope up with this situation, there are certain ‘Dos and Don’ts’ to follow which are as below.
Dos and Don’ts’ to Follow while Travelling with the Pets
Carry necessary dog supplies
Prepare a separate pack with the entire dog supplies required for the trip. Goofy’s food, bowls, water, favorite toy, grooming supplies, first aid kits, medications, waste bag, crater (if needed) and his small bedding are the ‘must haves’ in your pet pack. It is good to carry disposable items if you are travelling long distance.
Safety accessories
Dogs become restless while travelling and may jump in the car. So, in any circumstances they should not be seated next to the driver seat. Place harness on their body and buckle it with the seat belt. This will give him space for mobility and protect him from jerks and accidental damage.
Deal with restlessness and motion sickness
Just like humans, pets also face motion sickness. For this, you must carry his favorite toy to keep him busy during the trip. Carry vet recommended medication for motion sickness. To prepare him for long journeys, take him for smaller trips in advance. This will get him habituated for sitting long hours and he will learn how to sit and enjoy in the car.
The ground rules of pet travel
It is good if you have a human companion to take care of your pet while travelling. Make sure your dog does not throw his head out of the window as the outside weather, debris and dust may damage his eyes and face. Give food in small quantities to help him avoid or deal with motion sickness. Give water frequently as it will help him relax.
Few more precautions
Never leave the pet alone in the vehicle. Always make him wear tags with your contact details. This helps during the unfortunate incidences of pets getting lost during the trips. Take frequent rest stops to let your pet unwind and stroll around. Carry comfortable and smooth edged crater for long distance travelling.
In addition to the routine dog supplies, do carry flea and tick products if you are travelling through infested areas. You must also pay a visit to the veterinarian to check any specific issues the pet may face during travel. Give him cuddles and hugs while you are on the rest stops to make him feel comfortable. When all this is set in place, just let loose and enjoy the joy ride!