Imagine yourself gagged with a cloth for your entire life! Hard to imagine, isn’t it? This was just the game of imagination, if executed in real; it may be nothing less than a torture. Pets go through the similar torture when their owners or the caretakers of shelter get them devocalized. Though most of the veterinarians from our country support this act of mutilating pets, there are numerous reasons for which pet parents should avoid it.

Today, let’s get to know what is devocalization and why should you say NO to it!

Devocalization of pets

Devocalizing pets- To be precise…

Devocalization is a surgical procedure performed on cats and dogs. This surgery removes the tissue from the animal’s vocal cords which reduces their volume of barking or meowing, permanently. It is also termed as ventriculocordectomy or bark softening when performed on dogs.

Why saying NO to the surgery may be the right thing to do?

  • The most important point to understand is that barking or meowing is not the pet’s problem. It may be our problem as we are the ones finding it annoying. Moreover, as per the trainers, barking can be controlled. A good trainer and your dedication to follow the trainer’s tips may not give you a chance to think about silencing your pet.
  • Humans are born with different voices. Some have sweet while some talk like they have swallowed microphones. But, do we get these friends operated for it? No! So, why are pets put through this unnatural process of muting them? Saying no to the surgical process of devocalizing your furry friends may be the right thing to do because it is unnatural.
  • If you go ahead with this process, it can build up a scar tissue in the larynx, which may hinder the breathing and eating capabilities of pets.
  • Due to chronic irritation and coughing, swelling of throat and other infections are likely to take on your pooch post the devocalization.
  • The lurking dangers around you are often notified by your dog’s loud bark. Gagging them may be equivalent to gagging your chances of escaping the hazards.
  • When you adopt a dog or cat, you accept them for what they are. Tampering with their natural being may take away their identity. There are many instances where dogs are not being adopted from shelters because they sound gut-wrenching after the surgery.

To conclude, devocalizing your pet can be a bad idea. If you are thinking of cutting your dog’s vocal chords, it is recommended to ponder on these pitfalls. If you too think that this surgical process should not be allowed, you can sign a petition asking the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to change their stance on debarking.  After all, gagging your pet’s bow-wows and meows may definitely harm them!