Archives for Pet Health - Page 14
A Full Length Guide to Worming Schedule for Dogs and Cats
One of the most common ailments in domestic animals is worms. These internal parasites are highly recognized in puppies and kittens. The most common worms that infect pups and kitties…
Frontline Spray Scores Higher Over Spot-On Treatments
When we think about flea control spot-on treatments one name that emerges in our mind is Frontline Plus. Straight from the house of Merial, this flea killer and preventive has…
How Does Cosequin DS Work for Your Dogs Joint Problems?
The first thing that comes in our mind, when our pet suffers from joint pain or shows signs of lameness and resistant to take a walk is – ‘ARTHRITIS’. Through…
Cat Breeds that are Excellent with Kids
You have a family of cat lovers who are desperate to add a new little kitty in the household. In addition, you have young children, which make you worried about…
All About Treating Canine Arthritis
Dogs just like their human companions face the problem of bone degeneration and arthritis. It is not only common in aging pets but also young pets. Common reasons are excess…
Things to Know About Topical Flea and Tick Prevention Treatment
Sun blazing high on the mountains and lands sends the message to pet owners that its flea and tick season so… Beware! Fleas and ticks are nasty blood-sucking creatures that…
Know About Ticks On Your Dog!
Dog ticks are a common site for all pet parents. Their furry babies are an easy prey of these annoying insects. Ticks are doubly harmful as they not only damage…
How to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks Safely
Its fleas and tick season again. Try as hard as you can, but there’s no escape or perfect remedy against these adamant ; If you are troubled with the question…
Types of Dog Worms and Methods to Get Rid of Them
Pets are most vulnerable to worms compared to us. They are easily infected as they are exposed to infected ground, contaminated feces, and mostly puppies carry worms from their mothers…